2023 朱俊明, 赵旭, &薛澜*. 危机回应的非预期效应:基于太湖蓝藻事件的分析. 公共管理学报, 20(2): 128-139 174.
2022 zhao, j., m. wang, j. zhu*. household energy transition and social status: evidence from large-scale heating renovation in china. environmental research letters, 7(11): 115011.
2022 zhu, j., x. li*, y. fan, h. shi and l. zhao. effect of carbon market on air pollution: firm-level evidence in china. resources, conservation and recycling, 182: 106321.
2022 zhu, j.*, z. ge, j. wang, x. li*, c. wang. evaluating regional carbon emissions trading in china: effects, pathways, co-benefits, spillovers, and prospects. climate policy, 1-17. (留美公共政策学会2023年度最佳政策研究论文奖;esi高被引)
2021 zhu, j. and j. wang*. the effects of fuel content regulation at ports on regional pollution and shipping industry. journal of environmental economics and management, 106: 102424.
2020 朱俊明, 王佳丽, 余中淇, 杨姝影*, & 文秋霞. 绿色金融政策有效性分析:中国绿色债券发行的市场反应. 公共管理评论, 2(2): 21-43.
2020 zhu, junming. suggested use? on evidence-based decision-making in industrial ecology and beyond. journal of industrial ecology, 2020; 1– 8. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13009
2020 朱俊明, 胡赛全*, 王佳丽, & 李正风. 空气污染与科学传播重要性感知. 科学学研究, 38(1): 16-23.
2019 zhu j*, y. fan, x. deng*, and l. xue. low-carbon innovation induced by emissions trading in china. nature communications, 10 (1): 1-8. (北京市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖;2019年度华人产业生态学会优秀论文奖;esi高被引)
2019 zhu, j. and m. chertow* authoritarian but responsive: local regulation of industrial energy efficiency in jiangsu, china. regulation & governance, 13: 384-404.
2019 zhu, j.*, c. fan, h. shi, and l. shi. efforts for a circular economy in china: a comprehensive review of policies. journal of industrial ecology, 23: 110-118.(esi高被引2019年5月-2020年11月;wiley top downloaded paper 2018-2019;wiley top cited article 2019-2020)
2018 dong, y., s. hu, and j. zhu*. from source credibility to risk perception: how and when climate information matters to action. resources, conservation & recycling 136: 410-417.
2018 zhu, j.*, l. niu, m. ruth, and l. shi. technological change and energy efficiency in large chinese firms. ecological economics 150: 241-250.
2017 zhu, j. and m. chertow. business strategy under institutional constraints: evidence from china's energy efficiency regulations. ecological economics 135: 10-21.
2017 hu, s., x. jia, x. zhang, x. zheng, and j. zhu*. how political ideology affects climate perception: moderation effects of time orientation and knowledge. resources, conservation & recycling 127: 124-131.
2016 zhu, j.* and m. chertow. greening industrial production through waste recovery: "comprehensive utilization of resources" in china. environmental science & technology 50(5): 2175-2182.
2015 zhu, j.* and m. ruth. relocation or reallocation: impacts of differentiated energy saving regulation on manufacturing industries in china. ecological economics 110: 119-133.
2014 zhu, j.* and m. ruth. the development of regional collaboration for resource efficiency: a network perspective on industrial symbiosis. computers, environment, and urban systems 44: 37-46.
2013 zhu, j.* and m. ruth. exploring the resilience of industrial ecosystems. journal of environmental management 122: 65-75.