theme: uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: the case of poverty in coastal
speaker: susmita dasgupta
time: 3:00-5:00pm, wednesday, nov 23, 2016
venue: room 302, school of public policy and management, tsinghua university, beijing
language: english
speaker’s biography:
susmita dasgupta is a lead environmental economist in the environment and energy team of the development research group with a specialization in empirical research. her research focus is on environmental management in developing countries. dr. dasgupta has done extensive analysis on health hazards of pollution, poverty/environment nexus, setting priorities in pollution control, deforestation, biodiversity loss, impacts of climate change on coastal zones and climate extremes, adaptation to climate change, cost effective regulations, monitoring and enforcement of regulations. she has conducted research activities in bangladesh, brazil, cambodia, china, colombia, cuba, india, iran, lao pdr, madagascar, mexico, tunisia, vietnam and yemen, and has published numerous articles on issues related to development and environment.